The Life of David • Redeemed by God

lightstock_413934_download_vector_raster_randy_  October 28. 2018


2 Samuel 11:2-14; 12:7-14

Main Point

When we confess our sins, God forgives.


What used to be a difficult task for you that you now handle with relative ease?

What moved the task from difficult to easy?

With good training, practice, and experience, jobs in life become easier. Handling some of life’s challenges can even become second nature, just as a child learns to tie his shoes and gets to where he can do it without thinking. Other areas of life continue to challenge us. Believers are free from the power of sin, but temptation continues to pull at us throughout our lives. The focus of the temptation may change, but Satan will continue to find ways to try to pull us from our walk with Christ. We can learn from David what to do—and what not to do—when temptation comes knocking on our door.

Have a great week and we will see you Sunday!

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